Wednesday, October 28, 2015

David Duchovny @ the Marlin Room at Webster Hall

David Duchovny
@ the Marlin Room at Webster Hall
New York, NY - October 27, 2015

He did a cover of "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots". And Sly's Thank you. There were also many originals and one pair of panties thrown. As you were.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

John Doe and the Sadies @ Hill Country Brooklyn

John Doe and the Sadies
@ Hill Country Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY - October 23, 2015

Say, who knew John Doe and the Sadies were on a reunion kick from their record several years ago (say, who knew John Doe and the Sadies made a record together? I have a vague recollection but I didn't do my dang part at the time)? A friend that's who. So above the confines of the big BBQ hall (or as a colleague recently confusingly called it - "Chicken Hill" but who can blame him?) one found oneself slipping through on a five dollar cover with a complimentary beer (five dollar cover with a complimentary beer in 2015 in New York City....) . In addition to presumable cuts from the record, there was some Merle and Hank and Cash and some help from Cindy Wasserman (taking time off from our very good pals/heroes the Alvin Brothers) including on "The New World". There was another X gem in "The Have Nots", and a Knitters' blockbuster ("Call of the Wreckin' Ball"). And all done in an intimate setting right down to the band walkin' through the crowd before the encore, takin' a break by yours truly and the house kitchen where the baking apple pies were starting to issue more influence than the booze (and did I mention a five dollar cover with a complimentary beer?). When the show ended, the Sadies' merch/sound man implored the house staff to get the TV on so as to see how the Blue Jays were doing. My kind of night.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

75 - "Take It As It Comes"

Listen to this episode by clicking on this sentence.

Listen to all the episodes by clicking on this sentence

Wimps - "Take It As It Comes"
Nathaniel Rateliff & the Nightsweats - "I Need Never Get Old"
Metric - "The Shade"
Craig Finn - "Newmyer's Roof"
Fidlar - "40 Oz on Repeat"
The Cribs - "Summer of Chances"
Good Old War - "Tell Me What You Want From Me"
Childbirth - "Nasty Grrls"
Family of the Year - "Make You Mine"
Fernando - "Save Me"
The Lonesome Heroes - "Steel"
Matt Jaffe and the Distractions - "Holding On"
Gospel Machine - "Just Call Me"
Barrence Whitfield and the Savages - "I'm a Full Grown Man"
Ezra Furman - "Restless Year"

Sunday, October 11, 2015

74 - "A Tribute to Carey Lander"

Listen to this episode by clicking on this sentence.

Listen to all the episodes by clicking on this sentence

Camera Obscura - "The Sweetest Thing"
The Ronettes - "Da Do Run Run"
Belle and Sebastian - "The Stars of Track and Field"
Bob Dylan - "I Shall Be Released"
Colin Hay - "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You"
The National - "Gospel"
Yo La Tengo - "Autumn Sweater"
Josh Joplin Group - "I Am Not the Only Cowboy"
The Capris - "There's a Moon Out Tonight"
Morrissey - "Everyday is Like Sunday"
Isobell Campbell & Mark Lanegan - "Ballad of Broken Seas"
The Decemberists - "Of Angels and Angles"
Cat Power - "Sea of Love"
Tom Waits - "Innocent When You Dream"
Camera Obscura - "Before You Cry"

Sunday, October 04, 2015

73 – “Cover Up”

Listen to this episode by clicking on this sentence.

Listen to all the episodes by clicking on this sentence

Tom Waits – “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up”
The Ramones – “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up”
The Bobby Fuller Four – “I Fought the Law”
The Clash – “I Fought the Law”
The Damned – “Neat, Neat, Neat”
Elvis Costello – “Neat, Neat, Neat (live)”
Them – “Gloria”
Patti Smith – “Gloria”
The Animals – “We’ve Gotta Get Out of This Place”
Fear – “We’ve Got to Get Out of This Place”
Marvin Gaye – “Got to Give It Up Part 1”
The Dirtbombs – “Got to Give It Up”
The Nerves – “Hanging on the Telephone”
Blondie – “Hanging on the Telephone”
Bruce Springsteen – “Atlantic City”
The Hold Steady – “Atlantic City”
Pulp – “Common People”
William Shatner – “Common People”

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Regining Sound; Mr. Airplane Man @ The Bell House

Regining Sound; Mr. Airplane Man; EZTV
@ The Bell House
Brooklyn, NY - September 30, 2015

11 years or so ago, I saw Mr. Airplane Man do a pair of solid opening shows (including opening for the Reverend Horton Heat - see last review), and they left me thinking about them every month or so since then. Margaret and Tara went separate musical ways (I once saw Tara drum for another opener, the Turpentine Brothers), and by all logic I should have shook my brain free of them, but when two people channel Howlin' Wolf in prime, raw essence it's hard to forget. Perhaps with aid from Margaret's residential Memphis connection to the beloved headliner, here they were again. It is as it was. In a world of synthetic confection, in which rock n roll WAS a thing that ain't really a thing no more, here was the return of some of the last great memories of electric guitar and drums (and a little Farfisa for good measure). Another sip, taste, of how it has it direct or inspired, from the muddy delta to the big cities, the power of volts upon the string, the beat. May it always be like this.

It looked to me like G Cartwright's Reigning Sound is now the local lads the Jay Vons behind him on his way in from Tenn. I could be wrong, but that's how they looked to me. And of course it worked out fine. All the "hits". Like the good ol' days.

EZTV were a laid back opener.