Was once a podcast with Elwood D. Pennypacker (@oldtimeelwood on the Twitter) that went by the old expression "Punk Isn't Dead, It Just Goes to Bed at a More Reasonable Hour".
Monday, December 31, 2007
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life: The Year End Edition, 2007
It happens in every generation in every era of humanity. There is a school of thought that says the current situation is The End. The End of Everything. Civilization is in its last throes before Doom arrives. And every so often, the thinkers get it right. Someone had to be predicting it when Rome was sacked. Someone called it in each of the Chinese dynasties. And many times it is often called wrong: World War I seemed to spell the end of all things but somehow humanity pulled through...only to experience World War II. The Cold War was the great 50 year panic but that somehow did not result in the world blowing up. Now, truth be told, that bastard T.S. Eliot may go down as the one who got it right...this is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends...not with a bang but with a whimper.
The whimper may actually be a bang but it's a whimper of a bang. Mushroom clouds and/or dirty bombs as a parting shot from that 50 year panic, but in the form of a deranged religious maniac. It was much more tolerable when the threat of The End came from a cynical escalation of power between economic and political forces, not from some sexually confused mental case who thinks an invisible super-being talked to him and told him that women cannot be allowed to show off some skin. What a drag.
When someone asked me why I wouldn't join an atheist organization, I said the most true line ever uttered anywhere before: "I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member."
When someone asked me why I abandoned liberalism, I said "I didn't abandon liberalism, I abandoned the human race." It's more important now to be a libertarian as much as it is to be a liberal. Libertarian Liberalism is the last and only valid political ideology but that's only relevant in a society that had the ability to understand it. But if you subscribe to it, you'll be OK as everything else crumbles.
As you can see , the general mood around here is disgust, despondency, but also a glimmer of hope if only a cynical hope at that. Western Civilization is on its knees, and the only remedy is to go down in a blaze of glory. Here in New York, we are partying like its the Roaring 20's but with the knowledge that the Great Depression is coming. It's not a bad way to live, once you accept that you cannot change the world.
Sum up 2007 in a name: Cormac McCarthy
Keep your enemies close, your friends closer, and your frienemies in between. They are the most fun people you know.
In 2008, there is only one thing that matters: it's a trifecta that equals something called growing up. That may be depressing to some, righteous to others but either way, make it fun. And the best way to make it fun: get a monkey. And of course by monkey, I mean a chimpanzee. But it's funnier to call them a monkey, innit?
You believe in freedom of speech, until someone says something that offends you. You suddenly give a damn about border integrity, because the automated voice system at your pharmacy asked you to press 9 for Spanish. You cling to every scrap of bullshit you can find to support your ludicrous belief system, and reject all empirical evidence to the contrary. You know the difference between patriotism and nationalism -- it's nationalism when foreigners do it. You hate anyone who seems smarter than you. You care more about zygotes than actual people. You love to blame people for their misfortunes, even if it means screwing yourself over. You still think Republicans favor limited government. Your knowledge of politics and government are dwarfed by your concern for Britney Spears' children. You think buying Chinese goods stimulates our economy. You think you're going to get universal health care. You tolerate the phrase "enhanced interrogation techniques." You think the government is actually trying to improve education. You think watching CNN makes you smarter. You think two parties is enough. You can't spell. You think $9 trillion in debt is manageable. You believe in an afterlife for the sole reason that you don't want to die. You think lowering taxes raises revenue. You think the economy's doing well. You're an idiot.
There is no God but there were the Replacements so it can't be all bad news (turn this shit up LOUD):
Cheers mate.
The final word of 2007 belongs to Ricky Gervais, though you may not want to watch this out of context.
Where will Pennypacker be? Helping throw a little absinthe-drenched shindig in Greenpoint. But you can go see:
Gogol Bordello @ Terminal 5 - Most likely, the best show of the night in terms of the bigger parties. Instead of champagne though, you'll probably be drinking vodka mixed with the blood of a gypsy. Oopa!
The Fleshtones; The Black Hollies @ Magnetic Field - Thee garage New Year's Eve show at NYC's garage headquarters. You can't go wrong with this one.
Velvet Revolver @ Hammerstein Ballroom - Overpriced and mostly dull but then again...SLASH.
Patti Smith; Alejandro Escovedo @ Bowery Ballroom - I still can't picture Patti being a party gal on New Year's Eve but she did sing the greatest cover of all time. So it's OK. And Escovedo is no pushover.
Les Savy Fav (LATE SHOW) @ Bowery Ballroom - After the ball drop, this is the place to be. Well, it will be if everyone is sober enough to do it.
Dean & Britta @ Maxwell's - Not much to say about it but they are really good.
Dresden Dolls @ Grand Ballroom - This should be a good one, the right kind of flair for New Year's.
Nellie McKay @ Joe's Pub - She can be kind of annoying but she's also probably a sweet gal to lead a toast at midnight.
Yeasayer @ Shangri La - This one got posted late, this is the hipster cred show of the night, but that's not a slam at Yeasayer. Yeasayer is damn good.
Slick Rick; Moby (DJ-ing) @ Studio B - The Sonic Parthenon party is literally around the corner from this fun gig. The legendary Slick Rick in the place to be, with Moby doing the DJ-ing.
VHS or Beta (DJ-ing) @ Hiro Ballroom - Will VHS or Beta spin their own songs? That would be awkward but they should because they make excellent party songs. The band should be playing a gig.
The Subjects; Ravens & Chimes @ Cake Shop - Ravens & Chimes just got added to the bill. These are two great local bands who are moving on up in the world so catch them now. Also, this show is FREE. In other words, this is THE gig of the night. Go here.
The Big Sleep @ Mercury Lounge - Good beats for New Year's.
Dirty Excuse @ Luna Lounge - If you're looking for an ode to great 70's arena and club rock, this is the one to go to.
Dirty Projectors @ Knitting Factory - Another trendy act, so if you're feeling hip this is another spot to be.
When it's all said and done, go eat at the recently reopened 2nd Ave Deli which is of course now on 3rd Ave (Toid and Toity-toid to be exact).
O'Death's punk-metal inspired bluegrass is a stand-out take on the Appalachian and Delta revival sounds that have remained vibrant for most of this decade. Greg Jamie's shrieky metal voice is a bizarre fit with the strumming and the pickin' but it works. SPTV Insta-Clip Salts and Samovar recalls the lumbering side of Murder by Death and that ilk, which it means it sometimes works a whole hell of a lot and sometimes it doesn't work at all, and sometimes both in the same song. Their cover of Hank Williams' "Ramblin' Man" is their big highlight. Hoots and Hellmouth owned the night with their exceptional hybrid of bluegrass melodies and Philly soul vocals. These Philadelphia boys sound like they are taking you to church and even Satan has a good time there. SPTV Insta-Clip The Goddamn Rattlesnake kicked off this plaid convention with their more Western-spun, banjo-driven country music that included a Merle Haggard cover.
Songs: “Little Fool”; “All My Friends” The best-named band in New York is getting bigger all the time and they deserve it. The pitch perfect harmonies, the stellar riffs, - it didn’t get much better than “Little Fool” and “Ally My Friends”.
“1 2 3 4” by Feist How much can be written about this? OK, how’s this: I’ve never seen the commercial! Ha! Damn good song, I don’t care what anyone says. As for “Best New Artist” nomination at the Grammy Awards…um…sure.
Live Show
Record: Cookies
Song: “You Made Me Like It”
They had a successful run at CMJ and they also had the deserved good fortune to open up the Hold Steady/Art Brut show at Terminal 5. They may not have been the most harped-on Scottish band on this blog this year, but keep an eye on ‘em.
“23” by Blonde Redhead Blonde Redhead was one of those bands that were hard to get used to. But this single is where the change happened. Ethereal, empowering, forceful – this is how that awful label New Age should be readjusted.
“99 and ½” by Mavis Staples Ry Cooder treated Mavis well on her record and her sincerity is what it is all about. Listen here
Last minute addition!: “Guns of Navarone” by Maritime In the last month of the year, this one is rising fast and furious. It’ll be on the 2008 list as well. Perfect Indie pop. Stereogum provies the MP3
The Wagonmaster passed on this year, but not before showing the wide-ranging crowd at Madison Square Garden where Jack White gets a little bit of his theatricality and, more importantly, some of his country melancholia from.
M. Ward
Live Show
Last year, M. Ward had one of his best records in Post-War. This year, he kept it on the road, dishing out a hard-working, durable shift of country-stomp rock that matches his artistic ethic. Truly, one of the greatest artists out there right now. And “Big Boat” live is as good as it can get. SPTV:
“The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson A dollop of ultra-cuteness can go a long way. And she’s packing ‘em in all over the city. Finally, something good has come out of Staten Island. Video
Webster Hall For all of Terminal 5’s flaws, that place still beats the hell out of the more convenient Webster Hall. Webster Hall’s list of problems can go on forever but even considering all those flaws, the venue had a great year thanks to the Bowery Presents. The Jesus and Mary Chain, Metric, Okkervil River, and Josh Ritter made for some of the best nights of the year and the rest of the calendar was impressive.
Live Show
Record: La Cucaracha
Song: “Your Party”
Ween came back in 2007 and it was about time. The back-to-brownness of La Cucaracha first came off piss poor but as time wore on, and the songs nagged away in one’s head like a Ween-listening roach might do, the album eventually sounded like one right gem. And of course, they are just about unmatched live, and certainly so if you love the jamming. If you don’t, Ween is still good at it. Boognish bless ‘em, may they stay forever.
We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank by Modest Mouse Isaac Brock recruited Johnny Marr of ye olde Smiths to be his guitarist and while Marr certainly did a good job on this record, the strength of course lies with Brock’s constructions. “Dashboard” and “We’ve Got Everything” are two of the best songs of the year and the rest of the album is pretty darn good. After “Float On” wore off, it took a long time for ol’ Pennypacker to become a believer in Modest Mouse, but it finally happened.
White Rabbits
Live Show
Song: “The Kid On My Shoulder”
Admittedly, it’s kind of fun to pick on the White Rabbits for their stiffness on stage but that’s only because they are actually a very good band. They work hard and don’t stop and they are moving up fast and furious. They are showing tendencies to head down the Spoon path and that is certainly a successful path to take.
When the first strains of Icky Thump – both the single and the LP – were heard, the instant declaration was easy to understand: The White Stripes Were Back. And the special show at Irving Plaza may still very well hold up as the greatest 2 hours ever. Everything made sense at that point. All the past added up – this is where modern music is supposed to be. In every form, in every facet, this was it. But then the Madison Square Garden show was both too much and under-whelming (though as previously noted, none of it the fault of Jack and Meg at all). And then poor Meg bowed out. And all the merchandise madness started bordering on KISS territory (though admittedly in a much cuter, wholesome, and essentially harmless way). And by the end of 2007, the feelings around the greatest band of the decade were not at the level of greatest. But you know, come 2009, or whenever the band may reunite, it will probably all come roaring back again. In the meantime, enjoy the “Conquest” b-sides.
Williamsburg/Greenpoint About ten years too late, the confessionary Pennypacker lived in Williamsburg and Greenpoint for most of a summer and fall. Camera Obscura and Carina Round did fantastic free sets at Sound Fix (a record shop that shows much love to the White Stripes, Black Lips, White Rabbits and the Yarrows, who are not contemplating calling themselves the White Yarrows or Black Yarrows at this time). The Music Hall of Williamsburg, the Bowery Presents first new venue of the autumn, kicked off with a host of quality acts, and the Vampire Weekend and Apples in Stereo reviewed gigs certainly did not disappoint. The Luna Lounge relocated and reopened in 2007 and turned out to be a country backyard home for the Knitters, Scott Biram, and Heavy Trash. Galapagos began its countdown to the DUMBO move with some great gigs (including Les Sans Culottes and Miss Alex White). The Trash Bar seemed to have a quiet year but that means it was really doing something right in the stillness. Union Pool is much beloved in the area. Zebulon is considered the best avant garde venue in all of New York City now that Tonic is gone. And Don Pedro’s and Pete’s Candy Store are ready to carry on the legacy as the good times extend into Bushwick. Love it or hate it, this is still the place to be. For now, anyway.
“Woo Yeah Uh Huh Alright” by the Rapture A dynamite dance-rock single by the band considered to be the best at doing it. Their most accessible and best song yet, Brooklyn’s Rapture should have been a national mega-band when this one…dropped, as the kids like to say nowadays. Maybe someday. “Get Myself Into It” is an excellent runner-up by the way.
Live Show
Record: A Hero’s Welcome
Song: “Sleepy Jane”
Wormburner is one of New York’s best rock bands. Period. Power-pop to a tee and not a slip up in the repertoire. And they’re moving on up in the world. From an opening night mid-card slot at CMJ to co-headlining a Bowery Ballroom Christmas show with posters all over the city – and they’re doing it without Pitchfork and the local scenester blogs (except this one obviously). That being said, all music lovers are encouraged to check this band out. NOW. SPTV at CMJ:
“Shabop Shalom” by Devandra Banheardt This one got annoying really fast, especially lyrically, but the melodic roots of weirdo Devandra’s shane madel soliloquy are hard to pass up. Listen here
Songs: “The Underdog”; “You Got Yr Cherry Bomb”
Spoon’s Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga was more than praised on the year-end lists and whatever whatever, the point is, these two tracks showcase Britt and the gang at their best. Pleasant and pop-filled, that is where Spoon succeeds and always with a little bit of funk or soul to boot. If only they had more oomph, they would be all over this blog like some other bands.
Southpaw If Terminal 5 owned the major acts during the final quarter of the year, Southpaw held down the fort for the entirety of it. The Dirtbombs, Reigning Sound, the Raveonettes, Black Tie Revue, Electric Six, and Les Sans Culottes all had fun there this year.
St. Vincent
Song: “Paris is Burning”
“Marry Me” and “Paris is Burning” are but two of the reasons that Annie Clark is a resident Indie cutie. Oh yeah, and she has substance too. Just make sure she has a band backing her.
Stephanie’s Id
Live Show
Record: Grus Americanus
One random night at Sidewalk can do wonders. One of the great secrets on the Indie circuit (a secret for now at least), Ashevillians Stephanie’s Id should be a force to reckon with in the coming years. Live Slice
Terminal 5 I think I live here. That’s right, there’s a little cubby hole for Elwood D. Pennypacker to crawl into at night. This makes it easier since it feels like there is a Sonic Parthenon gig review from Terminal 5 just about every night of the week. The National kicked off the joint (with St. Vincent), and very quickly the place was overwhelmed by Gogol Bordello, Band of Horses, the Hold Steady, Art Brut, 1990s, and Ween. And in the interim, the Shins, Justice and M.I.A. held down the fort. Quite the line-up for a brand new place, right off the bat. It’s like an expansion team starting out with all-stars. And the madness continues next year with Blonde Redhead, the Raveonettes, and Cat Power, among others, booked. But it’s all going to be a wash if the Bowery Presents can’t find a way to improve the sound quality in the house. It’s too drum and bass heavy. Vocals are done a disservice. And even worse than that, crowd control and movement is a problem on many nights because of the way they laid out the place. And of course on top of all that is the out of the way location. They may want to consider shuttle busses or vans to Columbus Circle.
Uncle Monk
Live Show
Ol’ Tommy Ramone is having a blast with his bluegrass project and he’s making us all have a blast with him.
Union Hall Not to be outdone by Southpaw or even big, bad Terminal 5 – yuppie Union Hall, the most beautiful looking venue in the city, had a very good year with the Hard Lessons, the XYZ Affair, and a trio of the Chicago bands – the Changes, Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, and the 1900’s. Rumors are going around that the owners will shift the venue to an out of the ways spot in Sunset Park (offset by rumors that the owners of the old Bottom Line are contemplating a joint in the same place). They shouldn’t do it.
Vampire Weekend The most pushed blog band of the year, Vampire Weekend delivered on all the promises by other people and even withstood the insta-backlash. More one dimensional with their Afro-centric pop than the last mega-hyped band, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, VW will nevertheless be good to have around for a long while. SPTV's Most Popular Video:
VHS or Beta
Live Show
Record: Bring On The Comets
Songs: “Can’t Believe A Single Word”; “Burn It All Down”
Kinda dorky and so-cool-they’re-square, VHS or Beta is certainly not afraid to do what they do. And they do it damn well. Be tough all you want, you are dared not to move to “Can’t Believe A Single Word” and “Burn It All Down”. And quiet, alone time is what “Fall Down Lightly” is made for. Very sneakily, they are kind of one of the bands of the year. Yeah, go figure. Good for them!
Songs: “Mistaken For Strangers”; “Apartment Story”.
Along with Camera Obscura and the Hold Steady, the National dominated 2007. This triumvirate of bands took up, arguably, the most blog time, the most listens, and the most energy. In the case of the National, it was the most blissfully dark. The band’s penchant for salty and raw but nevertheless dramatic lyrics coated in a garden of lush sounds – spanning a line from Joy Division to Bruce Springsteen – makes them a true standout. The boys are a thinking band, a thoughtful band, a deliberative band but also a no frills, unfiltered, savage excursion into base feelings about the bleak state of the world, the urges of human behavior, and maybe even the melancholia of the good things in life. In addition to having one of the records of the year and two of the best singles of the year (“Apartment Story” should find itself in the Top 10 singles of the decade in a few years) the Brooklyn-by-Cinci boys put on a heck of a show and they even made Terminal 5 sound good on its opening night. "Apartment Story":
“Need Your Needs” by Georgie James Very late in the year, this sugary, peppy, dance-rock single made a big impact on the SP earbuds. Stay tuned for more of it in 2008.
Norah Jones
Record: Not Too Late
Song: “Thinking About You”
Norah’s been long forgotten by the Indie crowd (if she was ever really accepted) but that didn’t stop her from putting out a decent LP that has a lovely title track and a single – “Thinking About You” - that would probably win the old fashioned Best Single by a Female Vocalist award. And that would have been her fourth win in six years.
“North American Scum” by LCD Soundsystem This one is finding it’s way on a lot of year-end best-of lists and for good reason, James Murphy’s production project doubles as a good rock n’ roll band. And best of all: Murphy sounds like he’s singing with a cold.
Okkervil River
Live Show
Record: The Stage Names
Song: “Our Life Is Not Like A Movie But Maybe”
In a great year for band singles, Okkervil’s “Our Life…” rivals the National’s “Apartment Story” for single of the year and also has a best-of-the-decade slot in its future. It is one of the greatest post-break-up analysis songs ever written and Will Sheff sings it with an unmatched passion. The live scene delivers on all the goods – it is truly knee shaking. And oh yeah, The Stage Names is one of the best albums of the year.
Pianos A hell of a year for the Lower East Side venue: The Hard Lessons, the Love Me Nots, and Looker put on excellent shows. And they have a nice, accommodating person working the live space door.
“Postcard to Nina” by Jens Lekman A very sweet, very introverted bit of romantic comedy by Indie darling Lekman. His affable attempt to masquerade as his lesbian friend’s boyfriend in front of her old fashioned family makes for a fun 4 minute romp, aided and abetted by a heavy dose of blue eyed soul in the background. It was quite the year for soul music as led by the ladies mentioned elsewhere and producers like Mark Ronson. But this Swedish single may have trumped them all. Stream
“Radio Nowhere” by Bruce Springsteen Magic was a turkey, sorry. The opening salvo though was the Boss’ best single in 25 years, which made the ensuing LP all the more disappointing when it turned out to be so bad. But it’s always better to have Bruce around than not. He’s Bruce. And you’re not. Video
Jay Reatard
Live Show
Record: Blood Visions
Song: “Blood Visions”
You may notice no account of the Black Lips in this year-end review. Well that’s because everyone else has them covered (and boy have they been put into overkill. Remember when they played every couple months to no one? That was a long time ago). Next up in the garage punk-turned-hipster-cavalcade is Jay Reatard, though unlike the Black Lips, it remains to be seen if he will embrace the hipsters back. Jay is a tough, tough dude. But despite the uninviting atmosphere, he puts on a hell of a show in support of a more than decent punk record. He also sports some damn fine vocals. SPTV at CMJ:
“Rehab” by Amy Winehouse Blah blah blah blah, it’s all about Mark Ronson OK? And the Dap Kings. That’s it. Other than that, she should win an award for Best-Description-Of-My-Pathetic-Life-Turned-Smash-Hit-Single. Whatever. Video
Josh Ritter
Live Show
The Historical Conquests may not have been the totally perfect follow up to Animal Years (Pre-Camera Obscura and Hold Steady, the best album of last year), but Josh can do it live. SPTV Insta-Clip
“Rock N Roll Backlash” by the Woggles The last of the pocket of Little Steven pushed singles, the razzle dazzle nitty gritty Woggles did what they do best: make fun songs. Still best to see them live though. Sample
Rodrigo Y Gabriela by Rodrigo Y Gabriela Another 2006 release but that didn’t stop the duo from packing headlining Roseland at CMJ. Perfect, consistent guitar. Bravo. "Tamacun" live
Carina Round
Live Show
Record: Slow Motion Addict
Songs: “Come To You”, “Stolen Car”
It was a smashing year for British siren Carina Round as she toured in support of her superior follow-up record. “Come To You” and “Stolen Car” are two of the best songs heard this year. And she’s a darling live singer.
“Hero of Nineteen Eighty Three” by Peachfuzz One of the few Little Steven pushed songs caught this year, this one was the best of the lightly picked bunch. A killer hook and fun lyrics made this bit of nostalgia a keeper. Hear it here
The Hold Steady
Live Show
Record: Boys and Girls in America
Song: “Hot Soft Light”
Like the previously mentioned Camera Obscura, the Hold Steady’s recent release came in 2006 but they dominated 2007. And I mean, DOMINATE. In a year in which more pop oriented and more delicate bands took center stage on the Parthenon calendar, this Minneapolis/Boston/Brooklyn/Ybor City bar band, with lyrics described elsewhere as “dense” and appropriately so, led the charge for fun, loud rock n’ roll. And unlike other bands that exploded into the Parthenon universe, the Hold Steady nagged and clawed. “Stuck Between Stations” was perfectly fine but not immediate, back when Boys And Girls in America was released. But in January, the arrival of “Hot Soft Light” changed everything. The raw power, the concrete structure, even Finn’s distinct voice, it all came together and that was it. The rest of the material, going all the way back to The Hold Steady Almost Killed Me and the Lifter Puller days, slowly made its way to the rotation and by the end of 2007, there was at least one Hold Steady song being played on an average of one a day. The redundancy in the lyrics may be Finn’s only flaw and it doesn’t really matter. See them live and that’s the end of everything. They’re a little too big for clubs these days (and the Dirtbombs will always dominate the club circuit anyway), but in the realm of midlevel bands, that live space between say, the White Stripes and the Dirtbombs, the Hold Steady fill the void. In fact, they not only fill that void, they own it, and it doesn’t look like anyone is going to take it away from them. Oh, and Franz Nicolay for President. SPTV: Live at Terminal 5
“I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You” by Black Kids The major theme of 2007, broadly speaking, was the beyond-comprehension fast rise of blog-hyped bands. Later on, read the story of Vampire Weekend, which came earlier in the year, but for now read the saga of Black Kids. This Florida dance-pop band were unheard of weeks before CMJ but thanks to a demo and an Arcade Fire connection of sorts, they were the most hyped band of the marathon, pushed by the big reads in particular. The band was so new, they even admitted to not even being prepared for playing live. And the performance was indeed trashed, but everyone involved is still pushing on with the band and for good reason: Beyond all the hype, this song is damn good. Catchy beyond belief without being nauseating, this is a good signature sound to have and if they get the live show in order, this may be more than Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. This could be…hell, Vampire Weekend.
“If This Ain’t Love” by Nicole Willis For all the rage of that English broad who need not be mentioned, and even for all the rightful love of the exquisite Miss Sharon Jones, this old soul ditty slipped through and entertained, if at least for a few weeks.
“Intervention” by Arcade Fire Everyone else will go on about Neon Bible, but this was the one real stand-out song on that record. Is it “Rebellion”? No of course not, very little in this world compares to “Rebellion”. But it’s good enough for a mention.
Jesus and Mary Chain
Live Show
One of the great bands of the 80’s reunited in 2007 and took the reunion on the road, however briefly. They may not be the most exciting, party-your-ass-off band in the world, but if you want the roots of the great thinking music going on these days, it traces in good part to these Scots. A band with the gloomy fuzzies, you gotta love ‘em. Live on Letterman:
The Knitters
Live Show
As long as Dave Alvin does sick solos behind the fun harmonies of John Doe and Exene Cervenka, there will always be room for the Knitters. Dagummit. "Wrecking Ball" live in Boston:
Langhorne Slim
Live Show
How good was country rocker Langhorne Slim on that August night at Europa? This episode of SPTV is getting a third airing:
Les Sans Culottes
Live Show
Record: Le Weekender
It was a good year for Les Sans. Several solid gigs in support of a solid record, Le Weekender, led by the towering, massively wonderful smash “Les Enfants Terribles”. Let's tie in LSC with another 2007 moment, the loss of Lee Hazelwood:
Little Amber Bottles by Blanche 2004’s If We Can’t Trust Doctors remains some of the greatest 40 minutes ever made in history. With that precedent, it was going to be near impossible for Blanche to top it, and though they didn’t get there, they made a hell of a stab at it. Also, through no fault of their own, the drama of getting this LP released and the start-and-stop shenanigans around that, took a lot of the wind out of the excitement for this one. That all being said, it is still a great album, led by last year’s fantastic “What This Town Needs” (which had a fantastic video released this year). If only “At Least I Didn’t Quit” found its way onto the record, this would have been closer to perfect.
Live Show
One of the finer discoveries of 2007, though it was more a case of taking the initiative than just stumbling across yet another band. And what a pay off. Fun, snappy pop-punk and now even the Brits are hearing about it. Big things are in store. WavedRumor's video of the same song at CMJ kicks the SPTV clip's ass from here to Pluto:
The Love Me Nots
Live Show
Record: In Black & White
Song: "Move In Tight"
Let it be known here and now for all time: Only 3 bands that have ever requested the friendship of E.D. have turned out to be good. The dance-band Gorbachov, from Ireland; the BellRays – yes THE BellRays; and Arizona’s the Love Me Nots. Arguably the last band standing that has a good retro look, the LMN’s are breaking hearts out west most of the year. In 2008, they need to make a return trip East.
Mercury Lounge One of New York’s most reliable venues had a great year with two Yarrows gigs (though the house sound guy at the second gig can go suck a lemon), hosting the In The Red showcase at CMJ, being home to the discovery of Action Painters and Wormburner, and allowing Franz Nicolay to strum in a more simple, calm setting.
Live Show
I’d still be shooting myself in the foot for missing Heavy Trash but Emily Hanes was just too vexing to ignore. It was worth it. One of the best gigs of the year. The sound was perfect, even for Webster, the light show was out of control, and everyone was cool at this gig. "Dead Disco" at Webster Hall, via The Cocoon:
“Modern World” by Jesse Malin Little Steven’s Underground Garage was barely heard at SPHQ this year but here’s yet another showcased track that stood out and nagged away. That program has still got it. Video (of sorts)
Mondo Topless
Live Show
What would a year in music be without Mondo Topless performing live somewhere? They never stop being good. SPTV:
“The Moneymaker” by Rilo Kiley Sure, Under The Blacklight was just about the most god-awful piece of crap released this year. Well…not really…but close. And this much-hated song is actually one of the better ones. And sure, the porn stars in the video were ugly as hell but that was just to make sure everyone knows how hot Jenny Lewis is. Campy fun on an otherwise overcooked turkey.
Live Show
Stephen Patrick charms the socks off everyone, including all live show virgins. And the fact that he ended the show with a recent track that drove the fans mental proves he’s lost very little in the way of steps over the years. And here it is!:
“Four Winds” by Bright Eyes The best song yet from this frantic alt-country dynamo. Conor Oberst’s voice is still something to be desired but he made it work with this one.
Going Way Out With Heavy Trash by Heavy Trash One of the best albums of the year. More bluesy than Blues Explosion ever is (was?), Jon Spencer’s collaboration with Matt Verde-Ray not only dodged the sophmore slump, it kicked its sorry ass to the curb and back again. “Outside Chance” and “Crazy Pretty Baby” are the two most shining examples of this little dollop of near perfection. Tom Waits gone rockabilly is one way to describe this whole thing and that’s a very good. "Outside Chance"
Gogol Bordello
Live Show
Record: Super Taranta
Song: “Wanderlust King”
Eugene Hutz’s Gogol Bordello would be the best band in the world if they weren’t so exhausting. The good stuff is so intense, so ferocious, so skilled, and so much, that after just a few short bursts, it’s enough already. Super Taranta was far from perfect, like their previous material, but the lead single got the job done. More important, the live show was historic. 3,000 intense maniacs from all walks of life turned Terminal 5 into a giant Eastern European wedding. All that was missing was the marinated herring. And it's going to happen again on New Year's Eve.
Live Show
Record: Grinderman
Nick Cave took the rump of the Bad Seeds, slapped some mustaches on them and himself, and churned out the top tier candidate for Best Album of 2007 (if the old system was still in place). If that wasn’t enough, Cave and the band went to Madison Square Garden, opened for the White Stripes, and stole the damn show. The raw, pounding concussion of the sound is matched bizarrely well by Cave’s rich lyrics, a poetic mess of Alvy Singer-like laments sung humorously in a confident, cocky manner. Being an aging hipster doofus never sounded so cool. On Later, "Honey Bee (Let's Fly to Mars)":
Those incorrigible Hard Lessons were at it again in 2007, sporting not one but two stellar singles that showcased on record what the band has been doing live. New York got tore up a bunch of times this year, including three times in the Autumn. It was a very good year for this very good band. "Wicked Man" at Union Hall:
“Hate It Here” by Wilco Well look at that. Wilco. After years of being found rather dull, this recalling of 70’s singer-songwriter pop finally made ol’ Pennypacker take notice for the first time since “Casino Queen”. Sky Blue Sky as a whole allowed for a new look at Jeff Tweedy and it’s looking good from here on out. Wilco – Hate It Here
With a new blog name, new pen name, new everything this year, it makes sense to tackle the year in review a little differently from the last few years. Scrapping the traditional awards-style listing, and ignoring the countdown listings that everyone else does, here is just an all-things-equal review of a LOT of the music heard in 2007, broken over several parts this week. And only 1 mention of Amy Winehouse, promise!
Action Painters
Live Show
Record: Chubby Dancer
Songs: “Absolutely Clear”, “Sooner or Later”
Well it never worked out that a second Action Painters live review took place in 2007, but the random drunken entry on an August Thursday, just a few songs worth made a big impact. The Chubby Dancer EP justified what was heard, especially the lead off tracks, “Absolutely Clear” and “Sooner or Later”. The former could have been a hit single in the last 25 years and the latter is a modern rock power pop bit of heaven. If the band likes this kind of attention, they should personally thank ol’ Pennypacker’s crazy Latina ladyfriend, whose bootyshaking and drink pouring antics drove the old man out of the yuppie bar and in a cab to the Merc.
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals
Live Show
Record: Easy Tiger
Song: “Halloweenhead”
Quite a year for Ry. He limited himself to just one record and solidified his bond with the Cardinals. Neal Casal, Jon Graboff, Chris Feinstein, and Brad Pemberton, helped steer Ryan through his new, aware sense of the world around of him. “Halloweenhead” showed off the project’s ability to bust out a single so smoothly made that the rough edged vulgarity almost slips by entirely. The small show at the Hiro Ballroom was one of the highlights of the year, with a funny Ryan sounding excellent and the acoustics of the small room matching the band’s fluidity. The Halloween night mega-show was too long for its own good but the band still sounded in fine form. Here’s hoping Ryan has an even better 2008 and if not, there’s always DJ Reggie to fall back on. "Halloweenhead" live at the Hiro:
Apples in Stereo
Live Show
Record: New Magnetic Wonder
Song: “Energy”
Sweet, syrupy, but nevertheless 3-chord bad ass fun, Robert Schneider’s Apples in Stereo is the most accessible spin-off of Elephant Six. Their LP was a treasure chest of single-friendly anthems, led by the begging-to-be-commercialized (in a good way) “Energy” and their live show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg was every bit as fun as it should have been. Hey! This summation was completed without using the word “Psychedelic”. Yes!
Yeah, It’s A Bit Complicated was all right and “Direct Hit” and “People In Love” were the best tracks on it. “Direct Hit” in particular was a solid single. But let’s not kid ourselves. Art Brut is all about the live experience. Whether it was the headlining spot at the Highline Ballroom or opening for the Hold Steady at Terminal 5, it was proved that Art Brut’s songs are nothing without Eddie Argos’ spoken word engineering. Direct Hit SPTV:
“Atlas” by Battles Seven-minute singles are really unheard of, now and pretty much ever, but New York math rockers Battles did just that. A song straight from Munchkinland in Hell, “Atlas” is a stomp-filled, metal-inspired opus that actually says something good about prog rock.
Band of Horses
Live Show
Record: Cease To Begin
Song: “Is There A Ghost”
They look like they should be a jam band but instead Band of Horses crafts an ethereal mix of Indie pop. Making South Carolina a respectable place to be, Ben Bridwell and company look past their “Weed Party” shenanigans for the magnificence of a single like “Is There A Ghost”. Admittedly it’s so simple as to be annoying, but Indie pop should always be this simple. Punk sensibilities never heart good pop music. Their Terminal 5 show was more than decent and kudos to Ben for actually mapping out the plan for everyone there: (Paraphrasing) “Ok so 2 more to go, and then we’ll come back out for four more, so six songs total and then you guys can go, OK?) Video
“Because I’m Awesome” by the Dollyrots This is a really dumb song on a really terrible album by a pretty bad band. That being said, the song can be played on repeat for hours. It’s so good and so bad at the same time, it makes you want to listen to Little Steven’s Underground Garage all over again…and then turn it off forever. Video
“Been There All The Time” by Dinosaur Jr One of the absolute singles of the year. Dinosaur Jr. has been through a lot over these many years and this ode to early 90’s-style fun-rock is a reminder that there’s been a lot of crap out there on the radio, and the old guard still do it better than anyone else. What a song. Video
Scott H. Biram
Live Show
Record: Graveyard Shift
Graveyard Shift is more than fine but it was the live show at the Luna Lounge, which has matasticized into a sprawling, experimental thing, that keeps Biram relevant and, more importantly, damn good. Live in Texas:
Black Tie Revue
Live Show
Eh, take Code Fun for what you will. It grows on you but none of this matters as Pittsburgh’s BTR is one of the best live rock n’ roll bands around. A little power punk, a little garage, a little bar band-y, they cover all the bases equally without falling off the cliffs. Solid, solid, solid sets at the Cake Shop and Southpaw this year. SPTV at CMJ
Cake Shop The neatest little idea on Ludlow Street (and the Lower East Side and lower Manhattan for that matter), the Cake Shop really came into its own this year with a host of reviewed gigs (some great, some not) and a ton of other shows that didn’t make the Sonic Parthenon calendar but nevertheless assuredly tore the house down (The Clean, Jay Reatard, King Khan & BBQ Show, etc). Camera Obscura
Live Show
Record: Let’s Get Out of This Country
Let’s Get Out of This Country came out in 2006 but was not heard by Pennypacker ears until this year. In retrospect, it was the Best Album of 2006 and will make a big claim on the Album of the Decade title in a few years. The band made two trips to New York this year, the second of which fell into the Sonic Parthenon purview. A beautiful, intimate set at Sound Fix Records in Williamsburg was one of the most singularly enjoyable moments possible (even with the ultra-packed crowd and a stomach ache). And the little stage banter between Obscura leader Traceyanne Campbell and this writer was as cute as it was sudden. It was so thoroughly a great gig, it inspired the birth of Sonic Parthenon TV. And the next night’s spectacle at the South Street Seaport should be wrapped up in a little box and held tightly forever. One of the best bands in the world, period. SPTV at South Street Seaport:
Chicago (the city) City-based scenes will come and go but take note of this one right now as it begins its ascent up. The Changes, Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, and the 1990’s, are the vanguard in the Windy City’s more pop-infused efforts. The Changes were last year’s best new act and the latter two are duking it out for this year’s title (good thing the old award process was scrapped). And to top it all off, the garage rock sound is still being served well, namely by the continuing presence of the charmingly feisty Miss Alex White and the arrival of the Yolks. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bands. 1900's at CMJ, SPTV:
Scotland Yard Gospel Choir at the Empty Bottle
The Changes' "When I Wake", video released this year:
The Yolks
Miss Alex White at CMJ, SPTV
CMJ Music Marathon In accordance with the revamped spirit of this blog, this year’s CMJ was the first to be reviewed on all five nights. Wormburner and Looker owned night 1 but Mixtapes and Cellmates, by a razor thin margain, were the previously unknown act that became the find of the night and the marathon. Black Tie Revue kept things going on night 2 and then the Dirtbombs anchored the In The Red label show at the Mercury Lounge on night 3, with Jay Reatard, Miss Alex White, and Turbo Fruits helping out and then some. Night 4 started off with the sweet sounds of the 1990’s and Sahara Hotnights (and Drug Rug too for that matter) before the Dirtbombs brought it home at Southpaw. And Saturday night was a little return to the old Detroit days with the Hard Lessons in Brooklyn and the Dirtbombs in Hoboken. CMJ Personal Highlight: Chicks. CMJ Lowlight: Missing out on Looker’s house party down the block from the Dirtbombs gig. Drag. SPTV at CMJ
Elvis Costello
Live Show
The May show at the Nokia was a lesson in legend. Dapper in a suit, with sparkly slippers to keep himself comfortable, Costello dished out “High Fidelity”, “Alison”, “Watching The Detectives”/”Let Him Dangle”, and “Welcome to the Working Week” among other chestnuts. Always independent minded, no one tells Elvis what to do and no one wants to.
“D.A.N.C.E.” by Justice THE Hipster dance song of the year and giving Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy” a run for its money. The child-turned-melisma drenched singing voice was disturbing but the beats brought it home. The Terminal 5 shows were missed but that’s probably the best way to treat that venue: as a dance club with DJ’s.
The Dirtbombs
Live Show
No new record, no matter. Five New York area shows by one of the best live bands in the world, and what do you expect? The end of the revolving door really seems to have meant something. This is the only Dirtbombs line-up this blog has ever known and it may as well stay that way. Great people, great band, great times. Next year, a new record (which already sounds great, by the way) and a return to the Bowery Ballroom. 2008 could very well be the Dirtbombs’ year. SPTV at CMJ:
“Don’t Let Him Change Your Mind” by Jarvis Cocker One of the nicer, sweeter singles this year, from the Pulp helmsman. A likeable fellow with a loveable track. Video
Electric Six
Live Show
Song: “Dance Pattern”
This was the year that Electric Six was supposed to go away. Enough was enough. How much longer can someone parlay the Disco-Metal thing? And sure enough, a large chunk of the egregiously named I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me From Being The Master was D.O.A., how it was with Switzerland. But something happened: “Dance Pattern” was one of the best songs of the year, and the live show actually not only remained good, and not only improved from 2006’s mid-year funk, but the last outing was their best yet. And credit has to go to Dick Valentine for potentially making a serious impact on the culture with the phrase “put a little mustard on it”. "Dance Pattern" live at Southpaw:
“The Equestrian” by Les Savy Fav One of the more rollickin’ punk songs of the year, from an eclectic band whose live show is hyped to death but has yet to be reviewed here. Hear it with this video
Dave Raven, the fabulously voiced host of the Raven n' the Blues on BFBS Radio 2, heard here as a podcast, suffered a stroke last week. But this week he got on the netwaves and sent a notice out to everyone. With slurred speech, and a weak state of mind, he still managed to get on the air, if only to let us all know what happened and that he'll be back in short order. Send your thoughts and well wishes to Dave via his website.
It's terrible how sudden these things can be...and sudden family medical developments at the Pennypacker ranch have led to changes in schedule and the result is that there will be no review of tonight's Electric Six free show at Southpaw.
Ike Turner was an abusive, nasty bit of shit. But he also wrote and recorded one of the songs that lays claim to the First Ever Rock n' Roll song title, "Rocket 88":
Franz Nicolay; Erik Petersen; The Cotton Jones Basket Ride @ Mercury Lounge December 9, 2007
It was a night of solo acoustic sets by musicians known in bands (the headliner was Danbert Nobacon of Chumbawumba). Franz Nicolay is as verbosely rich as he is visually and musically rich. Displaying a strong octave range, Franz strummed folk-pop whimsy and observation. A little work on the accordion and it was a great set.
Accordion Insta-Clip Erik Petersen is from a Philly punk band, Mischief Brew and by his style and the fans who showed up, we're talking the Social Distortion vein. Some of the sentiments in his originals were a bit murky but his covers of "Midnight Special" and "Fairytale of New York" were fun. The Cotton Jones Basket Ride, themselves a spinoff of some project, are a sharp rock n' roll band who sound musically a lot like Holly Golightly - meaning a little go-go 60's blues rock. The ballads stand out more than the snappy ones, which all sort of blend together but no matter - they were very, very good.
In the year that this blog was going to take a break from Dick Valentine and his five warriors, and even despite the fact that I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me From Being The Master is not really a great record (but it grows on you like Switzerland and especially like Senor Smoke before it), somehow the Six managed to be reviewed a lot and will be reviewed again when they play a free show on Wednesday at Southpaw. Hopefully. I guess.
Start Feeling Old: The Next Generation of Best-Of's Begin
Best-Of's, Greatest Hits, etc etc, whatever you call the compilation of an artist's history, these things are a dime a dozen in popular music. It could take as little as 2 records, or as many 5 or 6, before an artist, or really an artist's label, contemplate putting out a compilation. But in the world of Indie, underground, alternative music, compilations are rarer, and in fact, they are often used as a one-stop resource for a band that never really sold records in the first place. And of course, in both the mainstream and Indie worlds, the 21st century combination of MP3 playlists and the depletion of album sales has put a chilling effect on comps.
In addition to the Ipod revolution, the 21st century's first real music moment was the garage and retro rock revivals of the early 2000's. The U.S.A. and Scandinavia really dominated those scenes, and the four bands that broke into the mainstream (of sorts) in 2002 and 2003 were the White Stripes, the Strokes, the Hives, and the Vines (who were from Australia and didn't last long because their lead singer was unstable and that's OK because they stunk). The British, rather surprisingly, did not contribute much during this brief wave (they were too busy loving the White Stripes and their cohorts like Electric Six). The one band they really contributed were the Libertines who essentially share the same biographical saga as the Vines.
But as 2007 draws to an end, the Libertines become the first band of that generation to get a compilation record. Why them? Because they folded rather completely, and their leader, Pete Dougherty, remains a non-stop tabloid machine in the U.K. What's a bit wrong is that the Libertines didn't have the quantity of work (let alone quality but that's subjective) to merit a compilation and considering they're long finished and that conventional albums are dying, and especially considering that the MP3 player has killed any need for official compilations, this is a rather pointless release, innit? If the Libertines should be remembered for anything it should be for their one decent song, "Vertigo", and that their quick demise gave way to the next British band of the moment, the Darkness, who were much more fun before their own lead singer's troubles led to their own implosion.
Ween @ Terminal 5 New York, NY - November 30 and December 1, 2007
2 and a half hours each night from the Ween team with only 1 song played on both nights, their brand new theme song "Fiesta". Gene had the vocal chops while Dean did the licks like the legend-in-the-making that he is. Dave, looking more like Larry Fine than ever, Glen, and of course Claude, all brought the elements to the mix. Claude stole the second night with a show stopping mega drum solo (and I mean show stopping, the show ended after he was finished), but also on the second night, at the conclusion of an acoustic set, Aaron put down the acoustic, picked up his gorgeous Gibson, and wailed a guitar solo on their greatest ballad, "I Don't Want It", that rivaled any great pop-rock solo, and equaled (if not actually briefly surpassed) Mickey's Fender magnificence. For all the jamming Ween eventually falls on in their live set, their insistence on eclectic genre switching is what keeps 'em going and the shorter the better. Whether it's the punk rock fun of "Dr. Rock", the power pop of "Transdermal Celebration" and "Even If You Don't" (seven years after the latter's release, it's still looking good for winning the decade's Best Song award), or the pure rock of the exceptional "Gabrielle" (there's nothing like hearing 3,000 people sing along to a demo song), Ween does it all and blah blah you know the rest. But if you had to pick one genre, Ween does country the best. Not because the country songs are better than the pop and rock songs, but because Ween taps into a country vein in a fluid, smooth manner, it's astounding it's the same band. Of course, the country tunes find Ween at some of their most raw and bawdy - "Piss Up A Rope" and "Waving My Dick In The Wind" - but the country-rock of "Johnny On The Spot" shows Ween as the great musicians and songwriters that they are. And even in the world of jamming, Ween finds a way. The Jazz of "Pandy Fackler" is like nothing else they do, and they do even that superbly. Ween can do no wrong. Except some of the long jams. But Boognish bless 'em, they're Ween.
Night 1 Highlights: Exactly Where I'm At She Wanted To Leave HIV/AIDS Baby Bitch Piss Up A Rope
Your Party Voodoo Lady Waving My Dick In The Wind Even if You Don't Johnny On The Spot You Fucked Up Zoloft The Stallion The Mollusk Mister Richard Smoker Fiesta Pandy Fackler Ocean Man The Blarney Stone
Night 2 Highlights:
Fiesta Take Me Away
Transdermal Celebration Bananas and Blow Spinal Meningitis Got Me Down Learning to Love Happy Colored Marbles With My Own Bare Hands Buckingham Green Tried and True Help Me Scrape The Mucus Off My Brain I Don't Want It Mutilated Lips Roses Are Free Powder Blue Dr. Rock Gabrielle Womand And Man Stroker Ace