Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hop Along; Saintseneca; Bat Fangs @ Brooklyn Steel

Hop Along; Saintseneca; Bat Fangs
@ Brooklyn Steel
Brooklyn, NY - May 30, 2018

Frances Quinlan's scratchy, borderline wild voice makes her Philly act Hop Along stand atop any bands who still make sounds like post-Postal Service indie rock. Also the songs are well written, that helps. The set, at a big venue for the likes of them, meaning Frances and co. have hit the relative big time (good for them, well earned), began with a newbie and Hop Along's best song yet, "How Simple". The familiar but new but familiar vibe of the band works live, it's good to have these kids around.

Speaking of starting off with the best, Bat Fangs, my favorite band of the year, started with my favorite song of the year, "Turn It Up" and it was all rock n roll from there. Betsy Wright does with Bat Fangs what she does with Ex Hex, shred like the dickens and sing with ferocious, harmonious beauty. Any band she's in should be the number 1 band in the world.

In between was Saintseneca a long time band I never heard of before. Beautiful harmonies and well played songs help make them more than a Fleet Foxes/Mumford and Sons also-ran.