UPDATED: The Sonic Parthenon Show Returns (Probably) January 29.
One year ago, we embarked on a new adventure. The scribe turned amateur mp3-jockey. And what we did was bang out 33 episodes over about 45 weeks (someone else can do the math). That should have worked out to 66 hours of rock n roll and mindless banter. Instead it worked out to about 10,364 hours (don't do the math on that one). Then we had to take a bit of a break, not just for the holidays and the football playoffs, but because SPHQ took a hike. The Brookly-Born One-Time Brooklyn Scenester is still in Brooklyn but in more hospitable environs. As it worked out, our equipment had an "upgrade" (it remains to be seen if that is really the case) but it appears it is indeed something of an improvement for the purposes of giving you a faithful rock n roll radio show.
And so it is now the case that Pennypacker can announce to you the return of the Sonic Parthenon Show, scheduled for January 29, 2012. 7PM Eastern. (Why the change to one hour earlier? two words: Downtown Abbey) It'll be a double celebration show: a one year anniversary and of the new digs. Also, like when we started, we'll take another week off for the Super Bowl. But maybe we can do something on the fly Super Bowl weekend to tide you over...we can do that now. In fact, we think we can even do all of this LIVE. Which means anything can happen.
In the meantime, don't forget we have a podcast feed at http://kupad.net/thorradio/sonicparthenon/rss.xml
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