Saturday, October 24, 2009

CMJ Music Marathon 2009: Surfer Blood; Grooms; Savoir Adore @ Brooklyn Bowl

Surfer Blood; Grooms; Savoir Adore
@ Brooklyn Bowl
Brooklyn, NY - October 24, 2009

The classiest bowling joint in all the world is also a venue (ala Asbury Lanes) and it played host to After The Jump's CMJ day party. The first band went on an hour and a half after advertised, the second played a good 40 after that, and the third band played an hour after the second band and all played for about 20 minutes. Uh huh.

Surfer Blood do "Swim to Reach the End", a rollicking good song that reflects their penchant for afro and carib sounds. Yeah yeah Vampire Weekend I know. Well more than one band can do it you know. Too bad they showed up an hour late, and the guitar player busted his guitar 2 chords into the song and it took them forever to play again.

The gloomy outfit known as Grooms play their instruments well but not well together. Sorry guys. The drummer has chops though.

Savoir Adore look and sound like the excellent Montreal band Stars. They were pleasant almost to a fault. I would like to see them again.

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