Was once a podcast with Elwood D. Pennypacker (@oldtimeelwood on the Twitter) that went by the old expression "Punk Isn't Dead, It Just Goes to Bed at a More Reasonable Hour".
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Someone recently asked me why Michael Jackson did the Moonwalk. I honestly couldn't answer him.
I liked how when I was doing air guitar whilst listening to tunes on the subway platform at 2:30 in the morning, the Harry Potter people were looking at me like I was the crazy one. That's right, a young man rocking out is way weirder than people in their 20's and 30's dressed up like wizards in celebration of buying a children's book.
I am confusing my E's and 5's.
Stuff I left out from the Stripes performance: Meg sang well, like a professional singer, and that slowed down version of "Fell In Love With The Girl" was cute.
Q train update: Rockabilly bass players getting off at Kings Highway. I am starting to smell venue.
OK OK I can't hide behind the lie anymore! I like "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse. And even Lily Allen is growing on me...a little, a smidgen, a tidge.
The only good moment in that movie Anger Management is when Turturro says "I lost my job today...we're talking No More Fudgicles!"
On a related note, is there a better name in the world than Shooter McGavin?
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