I've Run Out of Snappy Titles for Electric Six
Electric Six; Mobile
@ Maxwell's
Hoboken, NJ - July 20, 2007
The crowds get crazier and crazier all the time at Electric Six shows, even at Maxwell's. Packed to the last possible person, the mosh pit was intense, and I saw crowd surfing for the first time at Maxwell's. I may be wrong but I think even Dick Valentine said "Put him down" as a means to control the crowd but in a subtle, "let me make it sound like it's part of the song so this crowd doesn't think I'm a square" kind of way. Poor Dick, it seems for the first time he's overwhelmed by the audience. My question is, if they are this popular, where are the radio hits? Why didn't this band explode like I predicted back in 2003? It ain't right, I tells ya. There isn't a better party band around, even if they never really mix it up musically, and even with Valentine's increasingly long-winded political monologues (though this night's affair was nowhere near as serious as New Year's Eve, but it was way longer). What sending all the girls in the crowd down Frank Sinatra Blvd and putting them in a giant microwave and zapping them to have sex with an old W. Bush in the future has to do with anything, I don't know.
Highlights included: "I Buy The Drugs", "Devil Nights", "Future Boys", "Danger High Voltage", "Jimmy Carter", and "Improper Dancing", and "Germans in Mexico". Lowlights include "Slice of You", a terrible song from the last album that I wish Valentine would bury. I also condemn his random "anyone here from Florida" moment and letting some guy come on stage and talk, just to have the guy turn out to be some frat boy jock asshole who brings a woman on stage and, for no reason, starts calling her a whore. And she said something stupid too. Way to go, Dick.
Mobile is some anglo-american pop rock kinda deal from Quebec. But more than sounding like contemporary pop rock bands, they also sound a lot like the Cult and I was vindicated in this regard when after someone shouted out for "Freebird" (what a crowd huh?), the lead singer asked if anyone liked the Cult.
Labels: Electric Six, Gig Reviews, rock n roll
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