Crowd Follow-Up
One last note about last night. The crowds are becoming intolerable. Granted, the pit behaved itself but for once, I wanted to see a mosh pit break out, from my perch above them. For my sinister wish, I was given comeuppance when 3 drunk fools crowded over two empty seats and began to harass my friend. I went to do something about it but it became clear that one of the two girls in this trio would alert their male friend and he would want to have a drunken frat boy fight. So this was out of the question. In hindsight, they weren't that obnoxious, mostly I was just jealous because it was clear this guy was going to have a threesome after the concert. Rats.
Worse was the projectile insanity. The Garden people handed out glow sticks which became missles in the hands of heathens through out the arena. As the show went on, I wanted one to hit Jack so he could flip out, but it never happened. So factor in the fools near me and the fools all around - and the jackoffs complaining about Grinderman - and concert going just gets worse and worse. Plus add that up with the recent Electric Six show at Maxwell's...and well...I don't know. At one point does it become too much? Stay tuned.
Labels: crowd behavior, rock n roll
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