Monday, May 14, 2007

And Yet Another Realization

I like Bright Eyes.

Funny story: about 3 and a 1/2 years ago someone kept going on and on about Bright Eyes when I had not heard Conor Oberst's stuff. They kept saying he was "emo" but that it was a good thing. Well I heard it, and it wasn't exactly "emo" but it wasn't good - just like "emo". So it may as well have been. Oberst's voice rubs me the wrong way, it's so nervous and jittery, it feels like glass about to break. But alas, his voice is not an "emo" one (In hindsight, I think the person who labeled him "emo" was doing so because she thought she was being a rebel to the rock snob cliques, either that or she labeled everything "emo").
Fast forward to a couple years ago and a performance on Austin City Limits. I am surprised by how much I like it (surprised because I didn't realize who it was until the end, so I couldn't instantly say "Oh, Bright Eyes" and flip the channel).
Now comes Cassadaga and I am pretty much sold. The single "Four Winds" is a certified winner.Oberst's voice still causes me to instantly scoff for a second but that quickly fades as the music - rich and lush - overtakes it. Also, M Ward is helping out lately in the Bright Eyes collective, and that's always a good thing. If only Oberst could sound like Ward - a voice that is literally butter. Yes, that's right - butter.
Oberst, Ward, and co. on Morning Becomes Eclectic.

The video for "Four Winds":

First Wilco, now Bright Eyes...I'm slippin'.



At May 15, 2007 at 12:44:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you so.


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