Thursday, July 16, 2015

George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic @ Metrotech

George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic
@ Metrotech
Brooklyn, NY - July 16, 2015

There is a funk. Then there is The Funk. A funk was at hand when time came to exit the office building doors and traipse to the Metrotech campus for this big, big edition of the free BAM R&B concerts. A funk that can only come from the malaise of bad rat races. A funk from the stench of discord and disharmony. A funk from the lack of Zen and an appreciation for the Cosmos. But there was also at the half way point of this funky day, a break. A break out. A break out of The Funk. The Funk as can only be delivered by he who finds a Harmonious World at hand, he who has the Zen and an appreciation for the Cosmos. He of course being George Clinton.

Indeed the third time was the charm for seeing George Clinton in whatever variation he's calling the P-Funk these days (and indeed Parliament Funkadelic  should be it's true name). And by charm I mean seeing him in his dapper best, not the 50 Cents looking cat from several years ago or the pajama man a couple of years ago. Nay, this was The Man named George. And yea, this is the P-Funk in all its durability - be it the classic sound, the modern hip hop, or the experimentally dangerous (using Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner" may not be dangerous but it's risky). Though there was no roof to tear off the sucker, that's exactly what was happening when it was time to get back to the office, a lamentable situation but at least I had The Funk to carry me through the day.


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