Pains of Being Pure at Heart @ South Street Seaport
Pains of Being Pure at Heart; Zsa Zsa; Ribbons
@ South Street Seaport
New York, NY - July 10, 2009
Alright let's not beat around the bush. It is official. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart are a GREAT band. Capital G. Capital R. Capital E. Capital A. Capital T. The band's thunderous pop is a heart-rushing, soul-rattling experience. What is brought out on record in a litany of hits is magnified on the live stage. This kind of music requires some precision and consistency, and the kids have the chops to handle it in front of the ever growing crowds. This band deserves every bit of its meteoric rise. This is not a band to horde. This is a band to share. Anyone who has not figured it out by now is really missing the boat (that is not a Seaport pun).
Zsa Zsa merited no real distinctive analysis when I first saw them, opening for the Pains at the Mercury Lounge in February. Now they do. Frankly, it ain't good. It's all just a bunch of noise, innit?
I barely caught any of Ribbons. But it sounded alright.
Holy crap I really love the Pains of Being Pure at Heart.
Labels: Gig Reviews, Pains of Being Pure at Heart, rock n roll
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