Sunday, May 25, 2008

The BellRays @ The Delancey

The BellRays; The Architects; Nathan Halpern
@ The Delancey
New York, NY - May 24, 2008

There is no band in the world quite like the BellRays. Not a one. They could be playing hard charging rock or they could be playing blissful soul ballads, and you know who you are hearing in each method and that is amazing. Of course when they find ways to mix it up within songs, that's also amazing. Lisa Kekaula's voice is beyond reproach, and the boys in the band are top of the line. Two extra shouts of praise for drummer Craig Waters - first for his drum solo of the year and second for wearing a marathon running outfit. Brilliant.
Little bitty Delancey lounge could barely contain the sheer force of the band's sound, but not only did it contain the sound, it sounded great. This is one of the best venues in the city, and it seems to be rarely used.

When the Architects from Kansas City began their set, I thought to myself "Gee, these guys seem to be really inspired by AC/DC". Then lead singer Brandon Phillips (sporting a Wonka Vision shirt of all things) added the end of "Highway to Hell" to one of their songs. Then I saw his AC/DC brand belt. So it all made sense. One would like to think that this is what AC/DC sounded like on the club circuit in the 70's but with a slight touch of modern American punk. It's mostly pretty damn good.

Nathan Halpern began his set with a cover of Buddy Holly's "Everyday" and then launched into a real boogie-woogie Elvis Presley-like romp with his fun band. And it was great. The more contemporary alt-pop ballads and bar band-ish rockers were fine enough but they didn't top the opening.

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