Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

  • I should be a casting director. Reading Vidal's Burr, I thought to myself, "Giamatti would make a great John Adams." Well guess what.
  • The Fetzer Institute is the funniest name in public programming sponsorship.
  • Pakistan's ability to shut down YouTube probably gives North Korea all sorts of ideas. Imagine YouTube stripped of everything but Daffy Duck cartoons. The work of Kim Jong Il.
  • Holy smokes. My review of the Airborne Toxic Event show at Pianos set a single day record for hits on the blog, smashing the old record set by the Ween review which was linked from a page linked by Brooklyn Vegan. Oh, and it turns out Keifer Sutherland is a fan of the band. And they've only been playing for a little over a year. Told ya - this one's gonna hit big.
  • You know what's weird? Seeing a popular band, playing the hell out of their music for 3 days straight, then just going to a random gig and seeing one of the band members at said gig, hanging out - just minutes after you listened to the music. Weird.
  • Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes, Scarlett Johaanson...the Obama soundtrack reads like Pitchfork. Hillary? Big Head Todd & The Monsters. Barbara Streisand. Just felt like pointing that out.
  • I should say something about Spitzer but all I can point out is that his wife is incredibly attractive, making this all a damn shame.
  • Did you know there's possum in Brooklyn? Opossum actually. May need to form a branch of the Possum Lodge...

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