Smooth As Silk
Stephanie's Id
@ Sidewalk
New York, NY - June 9, 2007
From the blue-soaked oasis of Asheville, North Carolina (rising fast as a friendly rival to Athens & Atlanta, Georgia and seemingly the entire state of Tennessee), comes the sounds of Stephanie's Id. Led by a charming female singer (Stephanie Morgan of the band name), the Id back their chanteuse with a sound that is not yet completely polished but is certainly on its way there. The elements of smooth are so profound, in all its indie pop revelry, you can almost feel the silk emanating from the performance space. One of a flock of new bands (spread so throughout the US that it could be called an unknown diaspora) whose very sound is ripe for the phrase "thinking music", Stephanie's Id is yet another band that is rapidly recording the soundtrack to our lives.
Labels: Gig Reviews, rock n roll
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