Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hindu Metal!

Consider The Source
@ Fontana's
New York, NY - June 2, 2007

Consider the Source is a band that greatly experiments with Eastern, particularly South Asian, sounds but infuses it with a large signature of metal. A song or two even recall some Mexican strumming but the roots are clearly Hindu. The metal dosage is also clearly from the prog school of metal, and that means hints of Jazz. In fact the hints of Jazz were as strong as the incense burning from the stage, and in making the choice after the show to go buy the Kama Sutra and some pot, or go to Small's, this writer chose to go to Small's.
The double-necked guitar (used to sound like a violin or other acoustic instruments at times), and the ferocity of the trio make for a compelling case, but the overall atmosphere sometimes verges on jam band. Sensual exotica should prevail over a jam band 24/7/365.

Here's a clip from a performance on CBGB's. The blurb says they sound "Middle Eastern" but I hear Harrison and Santana before I hear Middle Eastern...but that's just me.

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