Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Eve with the Six and the 'Settes

Electric Six; The Dansettes
@ Maxwell's
Hoboken, NJ – December 31, 2006

The year 2006 went out in a rollicking good fashion as I saw two very different for the third time each this year, on the same bill. The Dansettes were helped out on bass by the leader of the Black Hollies and the soulful Motown revival sounds kept the crowd joyous and happy. Electric Six seemed revitalized after the sluggish performance in September and despite the same jerkoff moshers causing trouble, Valentine and the boys proved to be the best kind of New Year’s Eve party band you could wish for (as was suspected all along). Though as a hardened political junkie and passionate member of the Rational and Reasoned People of the World, I have message for Dick Valentine: Try to get over the last 6 years. Yes, we still have two more to go but you can’t go bringing down the New Year’s Eve crowd by lamenting how stupid the American electorate were in 2000 and 2004. Oh heck…go right ahead.

Pictures and video here.

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