Sonic Parthenon in Toronto: BBQ; The Box Elders @ Rancho Relaxo
BBQ; The Box Elders; Pirate Rock; City Sweethearts
@ Rancho Relaxo
Toronto, ONT - April 17, 2009
Mark Sultan modified his one-man band moniker by adding a couple band members to his routine but he is still the heart and soul of his own music. By adding a little extra juice though, the ol' Montreal salty dog brought out the oomph in his compositions, and sort of secretly reminded all those in the know about the truth regarding that duo he's in (the secret being: he's the better songwriter, but don't tell the hipsters).

BBQ @ Rancho Relaxo
Photo by Christina Wozniak
The Box Elders sounded to me like another rehash of the Black Lips, but with better vocals and more refined devotion to the 60's garage they are culling from. But don't listen to me: this Omaha trio had the crowd in the palms of their hands.
Pirate Rock are not good. Next.
City Sweethearts are a typical Toronto garage punk scene band. No more, no less.

The scene at Rancho Relaxo
Photo by Ivy Lovell
Labels: BBQ (Mark Sultan), Gig Reviews, rock n roll, SP Toronto, Toronto
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