Monday, December 08, 2008

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

  • By a complete coincidence today: Listening to the Writer's Almanac, I learn today is the birthday of Mary Gordon. Minutes later, I begin to read to A Room of One's Own by Virginia Wolf. Who wrote the introduction? Mary Gordon.
  • I am rather amused by the mad German who sends a dozen emails a day to work, mostly about how Denmark is run by drug addicts who are trying to kill him and his family. You know what he needs? Some SchneiderWeisse yah.
  • Bourbon-fermented stout is like a dark chocolate milkshake without the milk. It goes well with some dark chocolate and probably some black cherries.
  • I ate rabbit.
  • You can't really trust anyone but it appears to still be worth trying to trust at least some people if you are still committed to living and all that. Unfortunate but that's how it is.
  • The crazies are back, the random street thuggery is back, nothing is affordable and yet...where else would you rather be? OK, besides St. Lucia, where else would you rather be?
  • It took 8 episodes, but it turns Mad Men is all it is cracked up to be. It is some of the most emotionally insightful, reflective, and thoughtful meditations on the human psyche to come around in some time. Gender, class, responsibility, the network of relationships...the fact that it also has all the guilty pleasures of good looks and cattiness is a bonus. Don Draper is the most conflicted protagonist since Tony Soprano and, while the jury is still out (and season 2 is yet to be watched), it appears the latter may be more redeeming than the former, and that is really saying something. And yes, Paul is my favorite character, duh.
  • I am pretty sure I'm living in one of my typical dreams and I haven't woken up yet.
  • Conversely, I am also pretty sure I woke up about a month ago.
  • Speaking of dreams, what a whopper last night. An alien invasion...anime-like men and boys in pink and green halos that merge to form "starchild" war machines...and me running to the suburbs to find myself in some hostile American home...and realizing that the visitors seemed to have come in peace and that it was the human race that responded with war...I couldn't make this up if I hadn't already dreamed it. If anyone steals this, I will sue.

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