Monday, November 03, 2008

Your Election Day Playlist

To get the anger out and over with:

"All You Fascists" by Wilco & Billy Bragg
"American Idiot" by Green Day
"Keep on Rockin' in the Free World" by Neil Young

If you're still huffing about 2004, and if Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, and the Republican rally mongrels really boil your blood - use these three songs to fume a bit and get some catharsis. You may want to skip this if you want to get right to the excitement and, hopefully, the vindication.

To get through the day and as the early returns come in if it looks close:

"Stay Positive" by the Hold Steady
"Mr. November" by the National
"I Believe in Miracles" by the Ramones

The Hold Steady one speaks for itself, and the National song - while maybe being a little uncomfortable in its line "I'm the great white hope" - is a real humdinger and has also been dedicated to the candidate by the band, which has endorsed him wholeheartedly.
In regards to the Ramone song, see my big mushy final note on the campaign.

If it's a loss...
Well as there is no song called "I can't believe this fucking happened (again)":

"Don't Stop Believing" by Journey - for the ever-hopeful
"Old Man" by Neil Young - for the resigned
"Miami 2017" by Billy Joel - the Obama-loving Piano Man has just the song to console yourself in that drunken sad but rock sort of way
"Walk" by Pantera and "Take Off" by Bob and Doug McKenzie with Geddy Lee for those thinking of doing something drastic

If it's a win...

"The Touch" and "Dare by Stan Bush - oh yeah
"The Rising" by Bruce Springsteen - of course
"Sign Sealed Delivered" by Stevie Wonder - you'll probably hear it from Obamapalooza in Grant Park either at the victory moment or at his entrance or exit
"Instant Karma" by John Lennon - good post-hippie liberal party music
"Simply the Best" by Tina Turner - for the sports-like atmosphere
"City of Blinding Lights" by U2 - Obama's entrance song at the convention; not the best U2 song but it has their stock dramatic opening that they are so damn good at
"Yes We Can" by and friends - just because, and if you're feeling really sappy

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