Tuesday, August 19, 2008

LeRoi Moore, 1961-2008

Jon Stewart recently said that he was getting sick of reporting about people who are leaving us at time when they shouldn't. This certainly appears to be the case lately.

Years and years ago, back when the 1990's were getting over grunge and looking for something new, the Dave Matthews Band came along and played a big part in that. And while the band has taken some twists and turns over the years with a fan base and live show that really isn't for everyone, it nevertheless remains that for a good while there, they were one of the best bands in the country and deserved to be popular. Instrumental to the band's success was their horn man, LeRoi Moore, who died today after injuries from an ATV accident in June. He will be missed.

LeRoi's best work may have been in the band's best song, "Ants Marching" (it's also the best song to showcase the talents of Boyd Tinsley).

The band is going ahead with their show in Los Angeles tonight. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like. Sigh.

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At August 19, 2008 at 11:58:00 PM EDT, Blogger The Jerc said...

Great post. LeRoi will be sorely missed. I can only imagine what it's like to be at that concert tonight. Should be one for the books.


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