X Made Videos OMG!
Not even YouTube has been able to be an adequate source of vintage X material but now VH1 of all damn places has a handy helping of X videos, and it kicks off with "True Love Part 2", you know - the one where X officially left punk rock behind to explore the dangerous, forbidden world of Disco!
It's a great window not just into the band (and some of the lame videos they were compelled to make in order to have at least some success in the music business) but into the 80's in general. Watch as the band morphs from a punk band delving into other contemporary sounds into cheesy hair metal-ish behavior into an alt-country band. Despite the changes in production and aesthetic (and the post-'86 departure of Billy Zoom), witness the consistent songwriting structure by John and Exene, and their ability to transcend the rapid ways in which a decade can change.
Also, here's what Exene is up to these days while the band tours.
Labels: rock n roll, X
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