Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Airborne Toxic Event Takes Pennypacker's Advice: Playing Mercury Lounge, Conan

Well...kind of.

July 31 at the Merc. It's a late show, so one may be able to catch the free Flogging Molly/O'Death show at the other side of lower Manhattan first. Anyone care to make a crosstown run with the old man?

And having nothing to do with anything I've said or posted, the band will be on Conan O'Brien on August 1, about 4 months after making their TV debut on Carson Daly. At this rate, they will be on Jay Leno by Christmas (though really between you and me, they should be playing Letterman already), and Saturday Night Live by next February sweeps. And by that point, forget the Mercury Lounge, we'll be up to the Bowery Ballroom, if not Terminal 5. But one step at a time...

Oh, forgot to mention...this DC-based blog conducted an amazing, thorough interview with the band back in April. And this reminded me that I forgot to plug the band's recent project of 10 acoustic performances via YouTube. I get so hyper and distracted by news of gigs and TV appearances that some good stuff slips by. The first four installments are up on the band's MySpace page.

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