Monday, April 16, 2007

Dirtbombs in July, Your Attention Please

Maxwell's in Hoboken, Saturday Night the 14th of July

Part 1: Cool Opening Band

Someone cool, by my standards, step up to the plate and offer yourselves for the opening spot. Let's get ahead on this thing. Speak up and we'll contact Maxwell's. I am already making the rounds asking. Help out.

Part 2: Audience

Peoples - friends of mine. Come on down for the show. Those of you who have never heard the Dirtbombs before and are sick of my shilling, finally hear what all the fuss is about. Those who have heard and haven't been impressed, one last chance. It's a Saturday night at the best venue in the New York Metro area. I don't care if you're living in Japan (ahem), make it on out for one night. From Pennsylvania to Arizona and all points in between and beyond, it'll be worth it.

Part 3: Dinner

Part of the reason Maxwell's is so great is the food. A bona fide chow-down right next door to cheap costing but high quality rock n roll. Now here is the kicker, if you take me up on the offer for this show, I will pay for your dinner. That's right, it's on me!!!! If I can get a dozen to a hundred people, I don't care. Whoever. My treat. The meal that is. Not the gig. Book your tickets, and I'll treat you to dinner. This goes for the bands too.

Didn't you hear? I went mad. You should partake in the perks.

-Eric Koz

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