Friday, June 23, 2006

"The Forlini's of Detroit"

Pas/Cal; The White Rabbits
@Mercury Lounge
New York, NY – June 22, 2006

Detroit’s Pas/Cal are not like – and not really associated with – the bands that have come to personify the “scene” that has come out of the Motor City over the last half-decade or so. Pas/Cal is more like the Decemberists, Velvet Underground, and jangle pop bands and a guy who is a bridge between Lou Reed, Colin Meloy, Wes Anderson and a flamboyantly feminine emo dude fronts it. In describing the band, the lead singer dubbed them the “Forlini’s of Detroit” in reference to a Downtown NYC restaurant that was met with silence by the crowd when the lead singer asked if anyone had been there. That about sums up Pas/Cal in context. The standout song is “Summer Is Almost Here”, one of the finer indie pop songs to be released in some time – composed of the hooks and melodies that don’t exceed mainstream friendliness or indie sloppiness. This is a great band for fuzzy feelings.
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The White Rabbits are a New York band in which some of the band dress like 80’s English teen sensations Squeeze (and even have a drum kit that says “William Tell” on it). The band’s music flows between the dance-beat rock that’s all the rage and indie pop etherealness. Surviving several equipment and sound problems, the band was able to put forward a mix of stimulating tunes and meandering malaise. Both Pas/Cal and The White Rabbits opened for Asobi Seksu.
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(Photos by Roxxan H)

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At June 23, 2006 at 4:33:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what, no review for asobi seksu? pas/cal was great, but asobi stole the show!

At June 24, 2006 at 12:52:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Asobi's record release party. Did they steal the show from themselves?


At June 25, 2006 at 7:28:00 PM EDT, Blogger Elwood D. Pennypacker said...

We didn't stay for Asobe. :(


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