When The Devil Is A Bigger Hero Than God
Flogging Molly; Scotch Greens, The Rolling Blackouts
@Nokia Theater Times Square
New York, NY – February 16, 2006
While still a professional and thrilling Celtic-based punk band, Flogging Molly has expanded their live sound, ushering in an era as a major rock band. The gig now runs nearly 2 full hours, and though they have 3 full albums of material to choose from, the band explores new territory with a cover of “Folsom Prison Blues” and return to an old favorite of theirs from their starting days at Molly Malone’s in Los Angeles: “Delila”. Another highlight: Fiddler and flutist Bridget Regan showing off vocal talents on “Factory Girls”.

Front man Dave King is as charming and Irish as ever, waxing poetic on everything from Dick Cheney’s itchy trigger finger to a discourse on who in Ireland was a bigger hero than God…The Devil. He’s also looking more and more like Elvis Costello every time I see him.
I didn’t give the opening acts a fair listen but they seemed a little too harsh for my tastes.
A note on the venue: This was my first time at this brand new major New York City venue and it was an odd one. Very sleek and very clean, almost to the point of being sterile (save for the roach traps visible on the ground), the Nokia Theater in Times Square relies on electronic visuals on the outside and in the halls (making for cool marquis) and a weird set-up for the audience: 3 levels. The lowest level by the stage is a typical floor but with wide swaths on the side. The middle level is also standing room only but it holds the two-sided entrance/exits. The top, highest level is for seats! Basically, the Nokia Theater looks like it was built out of someone’s dream. It isn’t exactly ideal, but the set-up, awash in blue and green crystals, is something for the eyes.

Photos by Roxxan Hanson
Labels: Cheney, Gig Reviews, New York
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